
Direct seeding experiment

Published on: Thursday, 14 September 2023 12:00 am

The original concept at 'Auria' was to plant trees over underground streams so they could access more water in a dry climate, however, endemic trees that have evolved to grow in dry climates do not like such positions! Planted in such locations, they bend over the underground streams.  With a view to growing food, an experiment was undertaken in 2017 with exotic species of trees which it was felt would appreciate such locations, but it was a failure. The trial involved: olives, almonds and apricots for food - and carobs and cork oak - for stock food and cork. 

Future income sources.

Published on: Wednesday, 8 April 2015 12:00 am

Trees that are endemic to the dry regions of Australia have evolved to go 'in' and 'out' of dormancy in response to rainfall events, not summer growth and water dormancy as do trees from Europe; this results in a multiplicity of narrow growth rings that endears them with remarkable strength and density. Many of them display wonderful colours in their trunks, the resulting timber is very appealing for woodwork and carving.


Published on: Tuesday, 7 April 2015 12:00 am

Able to dowse (or divine) for water, the original concept was to plant trees over underground streams where it was thought they would grow faster and better while transpiring water to the atmosphere to increase rainfall, and reduce the excessive recharge of water tables that results in salinity problems around the world.

It was discovered that native trees - having evolved to grow in low rainfall regions - do not like to grow in such locations, they become deformed making them unsuitable for timber. Thus this idea was abandoned and effort was concentrated on developing methods and technology that would enhance survival rates for trees planted in low rainfall regions.

In due course, as the trees grew, a significant variation in the performance of trees was observed. This is normally overcome by the use of fertilisers, but it was wondered whether there might be an explanation for the variation in performance. 

While most people only relate dowsing (or divining) as a means for looking for water, at 'Auria' it has been discovered that it has many applications.

Youngsters are the best students of dowsing - they have the ability to follow instructions without prejudice and are delighted at the new windows of knowledge that open up for them. 

Remarkably, with a tree in one hand, a dowsing road in the other and the question in one's mind, "Where is the best place to plant this tree?" - the dowsing rod will guide you to a specific place. As one walks in any direction, tt does this by first aligning itself north-west to south-east, as one then moves in the direction that the rod is pointing, it will again align itself, this time, north-east to south-west. This is the specific point where the tree is predisposed to grow best.

Equally remarkably, it has been observed that people who are said to have 'green fingers' or 'a green thumb' - without any recognition of what they are doing, intuitively plant the plants 'in the right place' - without the aid of a dowsing rod.

If one then searches for other locations for the same tree - one will discover a grid pattern emerging. There is grid pattern for every species and variety of trees, with the grid squares approximately 2metres in size, but this can vary across any area of land. It is my conjecture that electromagnetic energy lines cross at the places that are located, and each site has specific electromagnetic properties that assist seeds to germinate and grow.

Within the earlier plantings that have been undertaken, it has been observed that the best-performing trees are consistantly growing at such places, with a different point for each variety of tree.

I have discovered that one is able to employ the dowsing rod in another way; rather like the needle on a fuel gauge, pointing to the left represents 0% and straight out in front of you is 100%.

If one now asks how well the particular tree will perform in the predetermined location, the dowsing rod with indicate 100%, and as one moves away in any direction, the dowsing rod will indicate a progressivly lower figure. If one asks for the very worst location for that species, one will be guided to a point about 1metre  south of the best position.

This as all rather bizarre, and with a scientific background myself - possibly like you, I had considerable difficulty accepting something that is 'not scientific'. But having dowsed locations for hundreds of bores with considerable success, it is easier for me to accept that dowsing 'works'; it should be accepted rather than rejected because in the past, in an effort to maintain control over people, those in power threatened people with such things as eternal damnation if they practised such things.

This explains why in any plantation there is a variation in the performance of the trees, with a small percentage performing significantly better than the majority, and a small percentage that die for no apparent reason. Clearly, as the trees have been planted by machine, some have snagged 'the best positions', some 'the worst', while most are in positions somewhere in between the best and worst positions.

With the application of artificial fertilisers, the variation in performance can be addressed - which supplies a clue as to what might be happening.

Possibly the earth's magnetic field has an influence on how well trees will grow. All matter is electromagnetic energy, so this is not as outrageous as it might first appear. Two German scientists discovered an electromagnetic grid pattern that is named after one of them: The Curry Grid - it also can be located using a dowsing rod and it over-lays the grids that I have discovered for plant species and varieties.

However, it did not always guarantee success and it was realised that the soil types were influencing the growth as well. It is well recognised that most trees are suited specific soil types. Thus 100% meant that the tree would grow as well as it possibly could, in that particular soil. Thus, even though one selected 'the best position', one could still end up with under-performing trees. How might this be overcome?

Trees need to be planted in vast numbers - and the only way this can be achieved is by using a tree-planting implement. Thus the next challenges were to match the tree species to the different soil types encountered within a paddock - and endeavour to achieve the optimum results without having to dowse for the best loacation for each tree.

Later updates will explain how this can be achieved.