Image 1. Significant changes in soil type, deep below the surface can cause trees to die unexpectedly. Methods developed at 'Auria' are designed to prevent this happening.
Image 2. Belts of trees include a diversity of species and varieties to capitalise upon symbiosis.
Image 3. Had the methods now being used been discovered earlier, these trees would be performing much better.
Image 4. Another earlier planting that would be performing better had the latest concepts been known about when they are planted.
Image 5. Just off the saline flood plain, these trees are doing well being suited to the prevailing conditions.
Image 6. Oil mallees have been heavily promoted in the past. The market for them has not come up to expectations. However they are a part of the research being undertaken at 'Auria'.
Image 7. Most of the plantings made at 'Auria' include a diversity of species.